Feature Update - Feb 2019

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Here at CartonCloud we're constantly building features to improve our warehouse management system and transport managements system, a lot of this new functionality is built from our current users providing feedback on what tools will make their lives easier. You can see our release log that gets updated each time a bug is fixed or a feature is built.

This "Feature Update" blog is the beginning of series of blogs that will summarise the features we've built, what benefits they add to the user and where to find them in the application.

Feature Update low

Storage Period Free Days

We know so many of our users have been waiting for this and it’s here! Check out our knowledge base for more info.

strict mode pciking

Android Strict Mode Picking

This feature is great for warehouse operators to enforce strict picking of products.

It helps reduce picking errors by ensuring the picker is at the correct location and selects the correct product through a scan confirmation. Check out our knowledge base for more info. 

Quic Add

Quick Add

This feature is great for power users who want to create orders and consignments quicker. You can now use the shortcut in the top menu to create jobs quicker. Check out our knowledge base for more info.

Adhoc charges_

AdHoc Charged

After user feedback about the current workflow when creating customer adhoc charges, we’ve now streamlined the UX when adding multiple customer adhoc charges at one time.

After adding a customer adhoc charge it now returns you to the same screen you were on, rather than the default screen. Check out our knowledge base for more info.

Subscribe to CartonCloud news to stay up to date with all new feature releases for our powerful, cloud-based WMS and TMS software.

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today
Oct 23, 2023
Feb 15, 2019
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today