Product Update - Draft Addresses

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Here at CartonCloud, we aim to make our software as user-friendly as possible, to ensure you can navigate the application and complete your tasks with ease. This has led to one of our most recent changes, the removal of ‘Draft Addresses’ from the user's view.

Before this change, you were able to view draft addresses in the address list view but were not able to edit the draft address. This generated a lot of confusion surrounding draft addresses, what they are and the associated workflow to resolve them.

To alleviate any misunderstandings relating to draft addresses and to create a better user experience we have decided to remove draft addresses from the user's view. Even though addresses in draft status will no longer be visible on the address list view page, the functionality and workflow of draft addresses remain unchanged.

When a new address is imported into CartonCloud, for example through a parser or integration, the address is automatically classified as a draft address until it is either allocated to an existing address string or a new address string is created. This ensures that you do not have different addresses recorded for the same location multiple times. 

Address strings are a powerful tool in CartonCloud as they allow you to link address strings (different formats of the address) to the one system address (the correct location address). This means, if there are multiple ways the address can be input into CartonCloud (different formatting, naming conventions, spelling) then you can associate the varying formats of the address to the one correct location address. The correct address will then automatically be used on all new orders with the associated address strings.  

Using address strings ensures that new orders are going to the correct location and that there is consistency across all orders for the address used for each delivery location. 

To find out more about address strings check out our Knowledge Base Article.

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Streamline your logistics operations today
Oct 23, 2023
Jan 1, 2018
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today