Product Update - Release 75

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We're constantly building features to improve our warehouse management system and transport managements system, a lot of this new functionality is built from our current users providing feedback on what tools will make their lives easier. Below are the major updates from the release. If you want to find out even more information, checkout our release log.

Android Start Packing

We’ve listened to our users and improved our scan packing app on android. If you start to pack the order and forget to tap the “Start Packing” button, the app will now pop up with a notification to remind you to start packing. No more issues on the floor in the warehouse. For more info visit our knowledge base. 

Template Date Formats

Great news, we’ve listened to our users and updated our date formats on our document templates feature to give you more options on the format of your dates. For more info visit our knowledge base. 

Invoice Summary Logo

Being able to upload your logo on the invoice summary is great for your companies brand. However CartonCloud inserted our logo automatically when you didn’t have one uploaded. We listened to our clients and have removed it, so now when you don’t have a logo uploaded it will just be blank. For more info visit our knowledge base. 

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Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today
Oct 23, 2023
Apr 10, 2019
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today