Product Update - Release 78

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Release 78

We're constantly building features to improve our warehouse management system and transport managements system, a lot of this new functionality is built from our current users providing feedback on what tools will make their lives easier. Below are the major updates from the release. If you want to find out even more information, checkout our release log.

Custom Field Search 

Making it easier for our users to find things in a rush by updating our search for anything bar so you can now search based on custom fields.

For more info visit our knowledge base

Customer Stock Report Template

Clients have asked us to have permission based rules on customer stock report templates so its specific for that client. Well we listened and here it is being able to create customer stock report templates and lock it off to that specific client.

For more information visit our knowledge base

Delivery Note Template

This update was one from our ideas portal, being able to add additional placeholders to the delivery note template.

For more information visit our knowledge base

Order Stock Adjustment

We’ve updated how our stock adjustments are shown and recorded so you can add notes and have greater transparency on stock within your warehouse.

For more information visit our knowledge base

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Streamline your logistics operations today
Oct 23, 2023
May 22, 2019
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today