Product Update - Stocktake Module

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Product update! The new Stocktake Module packs some powerful features and a range of automated processes that together provide users a complete process for performing accurate stock reconciliation.  An accurate stocktake is critical to ensuring the quantities of goods in CartonCloud match the physical quantities in your warehouse. This new product release is just another way CartonCloud helps you do more with less.

For full details about the new stocktake, module visit our helpful webinar here or knowledge base article here and release log.


Creating A Stocktake Record

Creating a stocktake for your customer has never been so easy. Plan a date in advance to ensure no open sales orders or purchase orders are actioned at that time. Users simply select products for the customers’ stocktake and users can also capture certain attributes required like batch Number, expiry date, or even your own custom field! Now select your locations for the stocktake and you are ready to go!

Counting Stock

To minimise downtime, accuracy is so important. That’s why we’ve added units of measure including pallet, cartons plus individual units which calculate stock accurately and quickly. The count also saves as users move through the stocktake by showing a green tick ensuring you have completed that product item count.

Completing The Stocktake 

When all the counting is done, you can view a variance for the stocktake to showcase positive and negative variances. This will assist you in moving stock into the correct locations and enables you to complete variances quickly and easily ensuring your system quantity count is accurate. 

We’ve also added in a really helpful function called ‘recommendations’ to automatically correct stock that is based in different locations. This can occur when a picker picked an item from an incorrect location so it is 1 unit short while another location is 1 unit over. When this occurs you can simply accept the recommendation and the system will apply a stock movement to ensure you gain accuracy, this is a massive time-saver to help correct location errors. Other stock variances are handled through Sale Order and Purchase Order adjustments. If you have a larger quantity of variances you can easily export the stock summary report to a spreadsheet to capture the product, location count, system check, and variances. Users may find this helpful to provide to customers.

For detailed information about the new stocktake module visit our helpful webinar here or knowledge base article here.

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Oct 23, 2023
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