Product Update - Release 108

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In this release we provide you with more flexibility to push your sales order invoice to consignments, GPS locations on PODs and some cool bulk import export settings to cut down your admin time. If you want to find out even more information, check out our release log.

Sales Order Invoice to Consignment

We love your new ideas and customer votes in the Ideas Portal and this one is a clear winner! 

Now you have the option to push your sales order invoices through to the matching consignments. Your customers can easily upload their documentation to the sales order via a parser or the web. This feature is easy to implement and provides you and your customers with greater flexibility. 

Check out knowledge base article here

GPS Location on POD

This new feature gives you the option to display GPS coordinates on PODs and also on the history page of consignments. This provides you and your customers greater visibility on your PODs with signatures or photos, coordinates on maps and the feature is configurable to all or select customers. Another feature requested by you in the Ideas Portal and shipped by CartonCloud.

With the new custom TMS import/export function you have the option to update the setting to turn it on for every customer at once. 

Check out knowledge base article here

Import & Export TMS Settings

The bulk import & export feature is is a great option for when you want to make changes to settings that apply across large numbers of customers.  Simply export the the data in an easy step to apply the setting change and import back into CartonCloud. A great option to reduce your admin time and increase efficiency. 

Check out Knowledge Base article here

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