Product Update - Replenishment

Replenishment is here! We are very excited to announce that the new Replenishment Add-On is now available. This new feature is set to help you optimise your warehouse processes, improving your picking and packing efficiency and allowing you to do more with less.
Replenishment will keep your most optimised and efficient picking locations full and ready for when orders are received. The more your pickers are picking from pick faces, the quicker your orders are going out the door and the happier your customers will be!
CartonCloud’s Replenishment feature is customisable and configurable for your application, allowing you to adjust the logic that determines when and how a pick face location is replenished. These settings are product specific, meaning you can adjust the Replenishment to best suit your operational, customer and product needs.
To make it easy to use Replenishment as soon as possible, we have a range of default settings that you can use to get going straight away. For those users who want to go into more detail, Replenishment can be adjusted by location specific attributes such as min/max levels or expiry date criteria, defining the units of measures that you want to replenish in, and replenishing based on the day’s outstanding Sale Orders.
The Replenishment logic will identify which picking locations need to be replenished, how much needs to be replenished into each, and which stock should be used to refill these locations. This Replenishment Report is filterable and customisable, meaning if you wish to only run a Replenishment for a certain section of the warehouse, product, customer or product type, you can!
You can run the report on a tablet using the web application or print it out with configurable document templates. Complementing and taking this feature to the next level is Scan Move 2.0, which when used in conjunction with Replenishment allows for an efficient, accurate and seamless replenishment process all from the mobile app.
Replenishment ensures you are maximising your warehouse resources, operating as efficiently as possible and delivering high-quality service and value to your customers.
To find out more about Replenishment check out our Knowledge Base Article. To request access and more information on the Replenishment Add-On click here.
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