006 Tonys Tips // Search Sales Orders

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Hey Guys, Tony here from CartonCloud with another one of Tony's tips.

Today's tip is a bit of a time saver when it comes to data entry on things like sales orders. So we're in this sales order here for Bob's Groceries. And if I go in and I enter in a product, you can go in what most people sort of do is they come into this product and they'll go through and they'll hit their drop down or they'll find whatever it is. Or they'll do it product at a time.

But what we do have in CartonCloud is this second tab, which is Search By Other Fields. Now a lot of people use this when they create custom fields, when they do serial numbers, or with batch numbers, pallet ID's. In this instance I've put in a custom field for pallet type because I might be storing the same product but some of it is on a ship and some of it is on a Loscam. Because one may be going to somebody who only deals with Loscam, the other one only deals with ship. So, we could come in here and I could actually type in for the pallet type of ship and do a search. Then what it returns is all the product I have under Bob's Groceries which is on a ship pallet. So I might come in here and I say, yes okay, I want so many of these and I want so many of these. Likewise, you can do the same thing with your batch number or your pallet ID. So it's just sort of saving a bit of time and you can go through and add them all in really quickly.

The way these fields come across is if I go into the customer of Bob's Groceries and I go into the edit tab. In Warehouse Management under the third field is the Purchase Order Products. Now the Purchase Order Products gives us these custom field where we've added in a batch number, pallet ID and pallet type. But a lot of people will use things like serial numbers in here. Now you can have it so that it's a unique field or it's not filled. Batch numbers for instance normally aren't a unique field. You could have multiple pallets with the same batch number. Serial numbers would be a unique field. And therefore it will make sure that you're not adding in the same serial number twice.

The other option we have down here is, is this required. Now a lot of the times batch number may be optional because sometimes a client puts a batch number on sometimes they don't. But when it comes to serial numbers, a lot of the times you don't want to catch the serial numbers on the way in but you want to catch serial numbers on the way out. So you'd click that and you'd say, yes on the outgoing. And then you always know that when the product comes in you don't need to worry about the serial numbers. As it's going out, say for your customer's warranty or something like that, you know the exact serial number and they can track and trace.

Anyway, I hope that's another time saving tip for ya. Okay, have a good one.

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