It's a wrap! CartonCloud 2022 Year in Review

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Lostistics Software, Built by Logistics People. (640 × 360px) (2)

Looking back on some of the milestones of the past year, we’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to our customers and industry partners for keeping trucks moving, orders fulfilled, and our communities stocked. 

The past 12 months have had many ups and downs, and once again our industry responded with resilience and innovation.

Resilience, as companies grappled with rising fuel prices, lower warehouse rental availability, and workforce shortages across all sectors. Innovation in the way of technology, automation, and robotics, in how our workforce is trained and supported, and how companies have diversified services to build new revenue streams. 

For us, 2022 started with a bang. Twelve months ago, we were successful in raising $12million in capital, giving us the ability to expand to the North American Market and roll out more features as part of our product roadmap. 

In Canada and the United States, small-medium-sized businesses make up 93% of the warehouse and transport sector, facing similar hurdles and day-to-day issues as that of their Australian and New Zealand peers — many of which can be overcome with digitization. 

This year we’ve been thrilled to see CartonCloud’s easy-to-use software enabling even more companies to optimize, enhance and grow their businesses, expanding the number of logistics companies using CartonCloud by 25% on the previous year!  

Join us for a year in review, as we remember some of the top moments of 2022. 

It’s been another huge year for our customers!  

  • 2022 saw over $2bn in freight invoiced through CartonCloud
  • 3.2m warehouse orders processed by over 3,200 warehouse staff
  • 4.1m transport jobs delivered by over 23,000 drivers

We also saw our busiest month on record last month, with over 788k shipments processed through CartonCloud (419k transport jobs, 369k warehouse orders) in November 2022. 

Lostistics Software, Built by Logistics People. (640 × 360px) (3)

What will you do with the time you’ve saved this year? 

We’ve made sure that with CartonCloud, you can do more with less. In the past 12 months, we have built over 1,000 new integrations for our customers, allowing you to streamline data flow between systems. 

CartonCloud customers have revolutionized their businesses this year, streamlining their operations with software integrations and automation.
In fact, 76% of the orders created in 2022 came through some form of integration, saving our customers an estimated 276,000 hours worth of admin time (approximately 31.5 years).

Putting people first 

This year, we increased our headcount by 42% to ensure we can keep meeting and exceeding customer expectations into the future. As CartonCloud grows, our team of experts has grown too; with staff now based across 5 different countries, covering 7 time zones.

2022 saw our first CartonCloud Back to Base, bringing together team members from around the world to our Australian office on the Gold Coast. 

Making headlines 

Good news travels fast, and this year the good news has been flowing. We’ve made headlines for helping SMB companies to take on the challenges facing our industry, with over 70 press headlines in industry publications this year to date. 

Averaging around 1 headline a week, our expert team of logistics people has provided industry insights provided through our CCLI reports, providing technical advice on how software innovation can support our industry, and sharing tips and ideas on optimization, growth, and new revenue streams for SMB logistics providers, plus much more. 

Two years of Industry Insights with the CCLI

At CartonCloud, we know the importance of using data for decision-making and planning, which is why we are so proud to have provided two years of industry data and insights through our CartonCloud Logistics Index. The CCLI continues to keep a finger on the pulse, providing actionable insights to our customers and the industry, absolutely free. 

With the new year in sight, we’re looking forward to seeing more growth for our customers, rolling out even more of the exciting new features we’ve been working on, and developing new innovative ways to support our customers to expand their own businesses. 

Thank you for a wonderful year, and wishing you a safe and happy holiday season and a prosperous 2023!

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Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today
Oct 23, 2023
Dec 28, 2022
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today