January 2022 - Product Round Up

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We're kicking off 2022 with some great new features. Our latest product enhancements provide greater flexibility in how you can view and search for inventory, and enhanced visibility of tasks to be actioned from the CartonCloud Dashboard. 👀

📱📦Scan Move 2.0 (Move Cart) to include Product UOM Barcode Scanning.

We’ve made it easier to consolidate, put away, and search for stock in your warehouse. You now have the ability to search for stock by scanning the Product Unit of Measure barcode, meaning you can scan the barcode you have on hand, and instantly view all locations that particular product is located in your warehouse.

See Scan Move 2.0 Product UOM in action below, or more information click here.

📢Dashboard Notification for Unassigned Sale Order Customer Invoices.

Dashboard Notifications allow you to keep on top of admin tasks within CartonCloud with ease. This update increases visibility over unassigned documents, by adding unassigned sale order/ customer invoices to the tasks to be completed from your dashboard.  With this new notification, you can easily view work to be completed and action all admin tasks from the one place.  

For more information, and to see all tasks with desktop notifications, click here.

unassigned sale order docs

📄Renaming the 'Consignment Customer Invoices' page to 'Documents'.

This product update improves user navigation, by updating the page name to a more identifiable name. With this page name update, you can now locate all documents associated with Consignments and Sale Orders with ease.

Use the Documents page to locate;

  • Consignment Customer Invoices
  • Sale Order Customer Invoices
  • Consignment Proof Of Deliveries.

For more information click here.


Want to know more about our latest product updates?

Get in touch! Contact the CartonCloud team today to arrange a free demo, and discuss how these features can take your operation to the next level.

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Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today
Nov 21, 2023
Jan 28, 2022
 min read

Streamline your logistics operations today

Streamline your logistics operations today