Cold Chain 3PL Fridge It use QR codes for smooth delivery

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In a world where seamless, contactless delivery is more important than anyone could have ever imagined, cold chain 3PL company Fridge It Logistics are making their life —and the lives of their customers easier—  with one of CartonCloud’s lesser-known features. We take a look at how this growing 3PL are optimizing their warehouse and transport operations with features like the QR Code overlay. 

As our communities adjust from the lasting impact COVID-19 has had on delivery and contactless services, chilled transport 3PL owners Anna and Tony Evangelou have taken the opportunity to expand the use of CartonCloud’s QR Code overlay feature to boost their customer service. 

For Anna, this function of their 3PL software has been extremely important in allowing them to respond to contactless delivery requirements and to add another level of trackability for deliveries.

“We use barcodes and QR codes a lot as it enables our customers to be able to see their deliveries in real-time,” she said.
“We use the overlay function when we are using third party paperwork as an electronic PDF that travels all through the delivery process.”
“It provides a lot of transparency and integrity to the process because the customer gets to use their own document, view their own paperwork signed… they know they are part of the process, not an external party.”

With over 24 years of industry experience, Fridge It has developed a reputation as a trusted 3PL company offering a total cold chain logistics solution.

With a staff of experienced drivers, customer service and management personnel, Fridge It Logistics provides quality service and attention to detail for a wide range of customers. Services extend from all supermarkets, hotels, and restaurants to hospitals for vaccine and medical needs.

Using QR codes on consignments 

CartonCloud’s TMS QR Code overlay feature makes it possible to superimpose a QR code on top of Consignment Customer Invoices. 

How do QR Codes on consignment work?

  • The feature can be used in conjunction with the TMS Driver Scan Allocation to allow transport operators to allocate work to a driver by simply scanning the QR code on the invoice.
  • Or, the QR code overlay can match the signed consignment notes, so the paperwork can be signed, bought back, scanned, and automatically allocated to the correct Consignment.

the QR Code overlay is particularly helpful for transport companies who need to have options for on-forwarders who are not able to use the CartonCloud mobile app. With CartonCloud's QR code overlay, they can accept a POD for the delivery and still ensure they are able to scan the details directly into the system.


CC QR code on consignment

Reduce manual data entry and you'll reduce mistakes

Fridge It has been a long-term user of CartonCloud after being one of the first adopters in 2017.

“We met CartonCloud founder, Vincent quite a few years ago and just really believed in his ability to deliver, his passion for making our business better and his work ethic,” Anna said.

“Back in the old days before CartonCloud the only way to achieve that was to have our drivers take photos and then that would be uploaded to the consignment. It was very manual, and cumbersome and left a lot of room for mistakes.”

“It can be contactless now and the customer either signs the device with their own stylus or they take photos of their deliveries… this has been particularly useful during COVID.”

“From a warehousing perspective we use the app for put away so we can check and double-check incoming quantities and then we use it for wave picking so the pickers are directed to a specific location. The process has seen a huge improvement in accuracy and efficiency through the whole process.

Our focus is our customer's success

There's no better advocacy than our customers who are growing their businesses with the help of our Warehouse and Transport managment software!

Anna has become a strong advocate of using the CartonCloud WMS/ TMS and mobile app throughout their business to track consignments, record PODs accurately, and minimise the risk of consignments and goods going haywire.

CartonCloud is logistics software made by logistics people. CartonCloud is an integrated warehouse management system and transport management system. It was developed specifically to focus on automating administration processes and accounting tasks to speed up cash-flow and create total transparency for customers while making it really easy-to-use.

Want to know more? 

Contact our friendly team for a FREE Demo, to see our software in action and see how CartonCloud can revolutionize your business. 

To learn more about CartonCloud's QR Code Overlay feature visit our Knowledge Base article here, and to hear more customer success stories, check out our customer testimonials here. 

Page updated April 2023

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